Brave Women Leaders: Jordana Pourian

We recognize and celebrate brave female leaders. The women we are featuring in our Brave Women Leaders blog demonstrate resiliency, bravery, and the ability to radiate their light brightly. They have gifts to share with the world and take tiny steps of bravery each day to share them with the world. It is my honour

Brave Women Leaders: Jordana Pourian2020-12-10T18:52:02-08:00

Brave Women Leaders: Dorcas Ronoh

We recognize and celebrate brave female leaders. The women we are honouring in our Brave Women Leaders feature demonstrate resiliency, bravery, and the ability to radiate their light brightly. They have gifts to share with the world and take tiny steps of bravery each day to make those visible.  Today we honour Dorcas Ronoh.

Brave Women Leaders: Dorcas Ronoh2020-09-14T09:39:19-07:00